Friday, September 28, 2007

Einstein and Eirugena

Einstein and Eirugena

ALBERT EINSTEIN: - "I am satisfied with the Mysteries of life."

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

"The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books---a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects."

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity."

"What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of "humility." This is a genuinely religious feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism"

"The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion. Herein lies the germ of all art and all true science. Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear is a dead man. To know that what is impenetrable for us really exists and manifests itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, whose gross forms alone are intelligible to our poor faculties -- this knowledge, this feeling ... that is the core of the true religious sentiment. In this sense, and in this sense alone, I rank myself among profoundly religious men."

Einstein saw there were people who sought to say he was religious in sense of being what they personally thought was God and he had to set them straight. Unfortunately many people have their memories tarnished by people succeeding in this propaganda that co-opts good people. He was a great man and fought most of his life for an end to standing armies. Despite the advances since his death he still makes sense in many areas of thinking including that for which he became most famous. I think this last simple quote by him says a lot.

"Two things inspire me to awe -- the starry heavens above and the moral universe within."

"Einstein died in 1955. He is best known for the theory of relativity, which states that time, mass and length all change according to velocity. Space and time are a unified continuum, which curves in the presence of mass.

The last three decades of his life were devoted to the search for a field theory which would unify gravitation and electro-magnetism.

Einstein always said that he was a deeply religious man, and his religion informed his science. He rejected the conventional image of God as a personal being, concerned about our individual lives, judging us when we die, intervening in the laws he himself had created to cause miracles, answer prayers and so on. Einstein did not believe in a soul separate from the body, nor in an afterlife of any kind.

But he was certainly a pantheist. He did regard the ordered cosmos with the same kind of feeling that believers have for their God. To some extent this was a simple awe at the impenetrable mystery of sheer being. Einstein also had an urge to lose individuality and to experience the universe as a whole.

But he was also struck by the radiant beauty, the harmony, the structure of the universe as it was accessible to reason and science. In describing these factors he sometimes uses the word God, and sometimes refers to a divine reason, spirit or intelligence. He never suggests that this reason or spirit transcends the world - so in that sense he is a clear pantheist and not a panentheist. However, this reason is to some extent anthropomorphic, and to some extent involves Einstein in a contradiction.

His religious thinking was not systematic, so he never ironed out this discrepancy. But it seems likely that he believed in a God who was identical to the universe - similar to the God of Spinoza. A God whose rational nature was expressed in the universe, or a God who was identified with the universe and its laws taken together. His own scientific search for the laws of this universe was a deeply religious quest.

Einstein's attachment to what he once called `the grandeur of reason incarnate' led him into the longest battle and the greatest failure of his life. He was implacably opposed to Niels Bohr's interpretation of quantum physics. Bohr believed that matter was fundamentally indeterminate, and our knowledge of it limited to probabilities.

Einstein's comment, "God does not play dice," became notorious. The phrase uses the present tense, not the past. This suggests that Einstein was probably not referring to the fact that a creator God would not in the beginning have created a universe in which chance reigned supreme. Rather he may have meant that as God or reason incarnate, the universe could not be governed by chance alone." (1)

EIRUGENA: - John Scotius Eirugena (means Irish born) was a great philosopher in the late first millennium AD. Bertrand Russell seems not to know much about Irish culture when he expresses surprise to have to admit he is the greatest of minds in a very Dark Age. In fact he was just rephrasing Pelagius who was maintaining some of the remnants of Druidic thought as I see it. It annoys me to spend a day looking for a biography on a great man like this and find some fools have hundreds of links whereas he had nary a one.

I Wouldnt Change A Thing

I Wouldnt Change A Thing

CHAPTER ONE: From Riches to Rags:

When I look back upon my life in this round of the soulful experience I have enjoyed so much; there are many things that seem almost too good to be true. I have chosen to be a very unusual 'bird' or a weird duck to be sure. I was blessed by being taught the Joy of Learning before I went to school at the age of four. It also seems I was always in the last year of getting into courses or schools before one needed to be older or have more education. Thus the only grades I skipped in schools were Kindergarten and my B. A. I would have skipped many others if they allowed this while I was attending school. I could have tested out of Grade Thirteen when I was eleven years old and I probably would have gotten a higher mark than I did. In fact I could have tested out of a B.A. at that juncture and I was usually able to argue against what was being taught as historical fact better than the teachers. This book is a personal biographical account to some degree and I will have to tout my own horn a lot; while explaining what might appear to be insane actions such as giving my all for mankind and life on earth rather than pursuing the materialistic 'get yours' paradigm.

Here is a response of mine to someone on a website called regarding the 2004 Presidential debates or campaigns.

'It is naïve to think that 'more of the same' will lead to change - for sure. That is why we need leaders. Asoka did it and he was highly successful, but in the Euro-Centric reality of what now runs the world and has ever since the Trojan War for most of this planet - no there are no examples of anything other than what you say.

So again I say - who is trying to make any real change - neither of these guys - that is certain.

Now, Dan - can you address the many important points I have raised and why there is no discussion about them? I may be naïve as you say - but I don't keep my head under some pile of poop like the ostrich that is kept in an enclosed pen and has no other way to judge his reality. We are not going to exist as a species if this continues. I found it almost humorous how they suggested Putin is doing anything more than the US media moguls (read Rothschild paladins) have already done in terms of media concentration under totalitarian control.

And maybe that is as it should be - because man has shown over and over again that he is not really interested in making the world a better place for himself or his women and children, much less the other beautiful lifeforms we share this planet with.'

And I guess you need to see those questions that I listed. I could have listed a thousand similar questions to be certain. It is depressing to see how great things could be and yet none of our leaders is talking about what could put an end to constant war and the 'get yours' power-mongering mentality. Here are some of the REAL issues that are not being addressed.

1. Who will get the life-extending genetic enhancements that will extend life potential to 900 by the year 2070?

2. Who will own space and get the benefit of man's collective and tax based support of space colonization which could make everyone a millionaire?

3. What is SDI really for - see Kucinich's tabled Bill.

4. Why does the Fed and IMF (etc.) get to determine the economic reality for all nations including those listed in the War on Terra that do not belong to the World Bank or have Central Banks?

5. Should corporate and churchly behemoths have more rights than individuals (dare I also say nations) - see Chomsky. What entitles them to seek tax free and other enhanced status offshore while shelving technology that would empower all people in the world to compete?

6. Why do Congressional and Senate people who did not read the WTO {World Trade Agreements that Ralph Nader proved none had read and yet they voted on it.} not spend time in jail?

7. How can DARPA be headed up by a known criminal?

8. How can Kissinger avoid warrants from the World Court?

9. Who determined the NWO plan spoken about by Woolsey and Bennett (George I too) that makes all nations have to answer to the 900 pound gorilla?

10. Do corporations and religions that own the media have far too much influence - other lobbyist issues that grow worse all the time?

So how did I get to be such a 'weirdo'? Why would a person who succeeded in most everything and who was a self-made millionaire before the age of thirty choose to live in the worst conditions society in Canada can devise? Maybe it won't interest too many people and it surely won't get published by any mainstream publisher. Heck I have so many great and well-researched books that expose the paradigm, and real knowledgeable people who agree with me are often saying things like 'No way you'll get a major publisher to promote this.' But you need to see some more of what happens when I try to get people to face these issues. The Dan person is a supposed physicist and he called my points 'paranoid' after the earlier comment about me being naïve. Here is my response to that well-reasoned and thoroughly compassionate remark.

'Dear Dan

Ignorance is bliss. None of the points is unsubstantiated and you are simply unaware.

Paranoia includes 'projection' and you are a master of that as well as an admitted sufferer of depression which also is part of the complex - so maybe you know that aspect of what you are talking about.

I gave you an example of one peaceful leader and you take it to an extreme when you say if it ever existed it would still exist. This simplistic and largely untrue premise behind Hobbes, Fukayama and other social engineers is the propaganda you and most idiots who do not study history are caught up in.

Your kind are the reason that we can have good leaders who might want change and yet they cannot succeed or are burned at the stake - do you want a list of those kinds of leaders or visionaries? Have you ever reached outside your thoroughly negative walls of hatred and pubescent ego to try - probably you did - and were stomped into the state you call life. Sorry - I am not up for such fearful paranoia - and yes, FEAR is what motivates most of those who will think that the US foreign policy has any factual basis at all. Fear of losing the two cars in the garage because they do not know what technology could do and how great a potential there is to make the world a better place - if only people would stop killing and start planning for something real rather than all that paranoia that Bushco and Bonesmen are promoting.'

Then a person made a real response that tells a lot of truth.

It is the response of a Professor of Political Science. The world trembles as the future beckons.

"What answers are being denied you? None. You just don't like the answers and don't want to face the real world.

1. Who will get the life-extending genetic enhancements that will extend life potential to 900 by the year 2070?

Powerful people mostly in the advanced countries. Partly good (we certainly don't need 900 yr lifespans in starvations zones) and partly bad (more of us non-powerfuls deserve it than they do)

2. Who will own space and get the benefit of man's collective and tax based support of space colonization which could make everyone a millionaire?

Two different questions. The first: the USA, more or less. That's good. Second, there is no "man's collective tax base". Anyway, if everyone was a millionaire, being a millionaire wouldn't mean anything. What a dunce-like statememt.

3. What is SDI really for?

USA etc. domination of the world system-- SHs and NKs could ideally be nipped the bud long before they fester. That's good.

4. Why does the Fed and IMF (etc.) get to determine the economic reality for all nations including those listed in the War on Terra that do not belong to the World Bank or have Central Banks?

Because they have all the money. Money is pretty important in economic reality. Here's a heart-breaking revelation for you: Banks control your economic reality, too.

5. Should corporate and churchly behemoths have more rights than individuals (dare I also say nations) Ceteris paribis, no. What entitles them to seek tax free and other enhanced status offshore while shelving technology that would empower all people in the world to compete? Economic clout and property rights (if it's their tech, it's their tech.)

Why would they want to empower the competition?

6. Why do Congressional and Senate people who did not read the WTO not spend time in jail?

Not reading is a crime? Not "reading" the WTO? That doesn't make sense.

7. How can DARPA be headed up by a known criminal?

Who's the criminal? DARPA can be headed by anyone who's appt.

8. How can Kissinger avoid warrants from the World Court?

Same way that you avoid warrants from the Goose Neck Vigilante Club. He is a US citizen/former official and the US doesn't recognize the "World Court" as a legitimate body. Kidnapping is a crime the US recognizes, tho.

9. Who determined the NWO plan spoken about by Woolsey and Bennett (George I too) that makes all nations have to answer to the 900 pound gorilla?

A bunch of concerned Anglo-Saxons who still figure they've repeatedly won the right to basically govern the world-- 1815, 1919, 1945, 1991, etc. And we're the better off for it, by all apparent measures.

10. Do corporations and religions that own the media have far too much influence - other lobbyist issues that grow worse all the time?

Yes. But the fact that they have more influence than nutcases is a good thing."

I never was politically correct to say the least. And if we were to talk about politics you might think I was an elitist despite the fact that I gave up the materialistic world I had been a millionaire in at least twice. Living in a group home and working to make the people and system a little better at the grossest and lowest level doesn't sound like the act of an elitist but I am well aware of the pitfalls of socialistic bureaucracy. I am also getting to see the extent of waste and destructive victimization of victims in the hands of the people who are always saying more money is needed to address the homeless or mental health community. Here is another response to a thread on the Delphi Oracles which may help set the stage for the nature of what knowledge I am now cursed with.

Do you think the Delphi Oracles were responsible for a quantum leap?

Yes, social engineering and a focus on some thought or stable system has cultural impacts as Mumford showed they helped achieve - though the Athenian School and sages were more effective in that regard. But in reality the Intellectual and spiritual systems such as Michael Grant notes were the major influence through the millennium before Christ are (like the oracles) part of a more ancient tradition - so no leap occurred other than the Hellenizing plagiarization that is reflected in our propagandized history.

A more relevant exploration would be the formation that occurred in this period - of all religions now with us. Fukayama calls them 'absolute religions' and C. S. Lewis or Merton call them 'higher religions'. The era of the 6th Century BCE and Confucius, Buddha and Zoroaster are all derived from the same people or schools of thought. These schools of thought had been reorganized by Tuthmosis in the millennium before that according to many. This is around the time of Moses/Akhenaten. But long before that these schools helped more people find their true role in soul and with the 'collective'.

Plato observed that the advent of a writing alphabet greatly diminished the disciplined pursuit of knowledge or wisdom. Once people could simply refer to books they did not interiorize this knowledge. That occurred around the same time that Tuthmosis reorganized the Mystery Schools and was part of a Phoenician (Hyksos) plan for society as I see it.

The crux of the Kabbalists or Rabbinical 'twisting' of Qabala has much to do with this in our laws, structures of society and in the ethereal world around us.

And in case anyone thinks I regard it as healthy to look back on your life and say something as stupid as the title of this book suggests - I do not. I would love to have the chance to do many things differently and yet in the final analysis I might never have gotten the blessings I have and I would probably not have enjoyed life more. I regard the fulfillment of one's potential and ethical purpose higher than I regard most all else in life. It is that perspective that leads me to title this book as I have. The fact that I could not handle the wealth I had at various times in my life is an indication that I am not as advanced as I would have liked to have been.

The Galileo Conspiracy: 5 Questions Your Science Professors Hope You Never Ask

The Galileo Conspiracy: 5 Questions Your Science Professors Hope You Never Ask

As a young lad, I took on my first scientific experiment simply because I could. Like most curious youngsters who own walky-talkies, I could only resist for so long the urge to bury one of them (well behind enemy lines) in the bread aisle at the local grocery store, to see what startled shoppers might make of extroverted wheat. This, my first foray into the field of agorology -- the very scientific study of shopping, shoppers and shoppingcarts -- told me just what I needed to know.

Would they simply scurry off, fearing all that is both sourdough and articulate, or might they try to hunt down the source of the taunting loaves? The jovial, phoney French accent that greeted each customer in the aisle proved harder to maintain -- while trying hard not to laugh -- than I had anticipated. In the end, fear of the manager (bigcheesophobia) cut short the data-gathering event, but not before we -- Tony (my assistant) and I -- had learned far too much. We now knew the inside truth about science, kept hidden for many ages: it's a real kick in the pants.

Much time passed, and the California State University (at Hayward) received, and then quite foolishly approved, my application for admission. There I learned that the representatives of "science" bore the right to decide all matters of cultural importance; that scientists could provide the answers we need; and that science is "self-correcting," and so marches forward with unrelenting progress. Just look at the microwave ovens, and the GPS gadgets in our cars. Science carries the badge of authority in all matters of knowledge. Or so the story goes.

But then it happened. I took my first history of science class, and began studying the items that interested me, even if they weren't on the menu. Then came the individual study course in the philosophy of science. By then I had meandered into areas of study best dubbed "plainly unauthorized." Here, I had realized that the science textbook authors (and most of my science professors) had completely -- I believe the scientific term is -- "discombobulated" almost everything they had taught me in my science classes.

Oh, they managed the empirical details in the books well enough. Like motorcycle riders who smile too often, the experts had strained out the empirical gnats with an aggressive and precise toothpick. But conceptual camel-swallowing became the order of the day. In other words, their story of what science actually is, how scientists employ its methods, and what science can actually accomplish -- the whole story surrounding the details -- proved phonier than a well-modulated, French accent in a grocery store.

To help illustrate these well-educated fibs, which I have boiled down to five for the sake of brevity, I have put this section in the shape of a question and answer format. Here sit before the readers eyes THE five questions your science professors hope you never ask.

Question 1. Professor, isn't it true, that when you call a model or theory "true" merely because it makes accurate predictions that you in fact commit the fallacy called "affirming the consequent?"

Answer: You'd better believe it, Bucko. And nearly all scientists do this on a regular basis. Coincidentally enough, so do the textbooks these guys write. "If a mother, then also a woman" seems obvious enough. In logic, this takes the form, "If P, then Q." But reasoning in the reverse direction leads to trouble. "If a woman, then a mother [Q, therefore P]" doesn't ring true at all. Many women do not practice motherhood. Likewise, "If my theory is true, we should find 'Q' to be the case [If P, then Q] does not in any way validate the reverse, "We did find 'Q' to be the case, therefore my model is true [Q, therefore P]."

This is like the man who argues that "If it is bread, it does not talk. It does not in fact talk, therefore it must be bread." Imagine that: science professors make a career of reasoning that poorly, and your sandwich never said a word.

Question #2. Professor, isn't it true that many highly successful theories in the past gained the allegiance of entire scientific communities, only to suffer rejection later as so much molarky by the same group?

Answer: Yes. In fact Dr. Larry Laudan, former chair of the history and philosophy of science department at the University of Pittsburgh, wrote a book (Science and Values) where he catalogued over 30 such theories. He indicated that he could have lengthened his list extensively (and others have done this). These truth-status flip-floppers trounce about like a salmon on deck, where "true yesterday" becomes "false today." Here, truth comes with an expiration date like raspberry yogurt. And who knows, these theories may yet make a comeback -- only to get smoked again (as salmon are want to do).

This tells us that theoretical science shows itself fickle when it comes to truth-telling. In court, they call this "perjury," but let us avoid the unpleasantries of name-calling. One commentator on this problem recently put it quite sublimely in these words: "If the history of science were a single person, it would present to the world just that sort of person we should least want to see driving heavy machinery or carrying sharp objects."

Question #3. Professor, isn't it true that theories considered false today by the scientific majority, as well as in the past, have often turned out to be very useful? And doesn't this show that no established relationship between true theories and useful theories exists?

Answer: Yes, and yes. And this shows from the empirical facts of history that any theory might be highly useful, and yet utterly false, so that it's utility offers no real guide to whether or not it's true. And you guessed it: Dr. Laudan has a long list of these successful-but-false theories too. And he isn't the only one.

Question #4. Isn't it true professor that scientists often resolve the contest between rival theories by choosing the one as "more probably true" which appears either simpler or more elegant than the others, and doesn't this tell against the alleged "objectivity" of what is supposed to be a truth-seeking enterprise, reducing it to the status of a Miss America beauty pageant?

Answer: Yes, but don't tell my wife or she won't let me go to work either.

Question #5. Professor, isn't it true that various scientists working in different fields put to use a wide array of different methods, depending on factors like which field of study they work in, the nature of the claim under question at the moment, and the like? And doesn't this rather abolish the popular myth that anything like "THE" scientific method has ever actually existed?

Answer: Of course. Philosopher of science, Paul Feyerabend at UC Berkeley wrote a book in the late 90's entitled "On Method," which proves just that point. Brain-scanning Neurologists do not do anything like what mechanics do when the latter search to find out how much pollution your car puts out. They use different instruments, and entirely different methods. Some methods involve developing computational models to run different stress-condition scenarios (structural engineers do this), while others amount to sticking a fancy wand up your car's tail pipe.

Conclusion: The heroic model of science -- with scientists in the driver's seat as the keepers of true knowledge -- amounts to a political ploy designed to exalt those with white labcoats as the final arbiters of truth about what kind of what this "really" is. But the kind of reasons scientists (and their textbooks) must invoke to prop up this flimsy mythology make no headway against the empirical facts known to students of the history and philosophy of the sciences. Moreover, if stripped of their technical jargon, and rendered in the common tongue, such half-baked reasons would not earn scientists a passing mark in a second-semester logic course at any decent college.

The way I see it, if you are going to try to fool people, you might as well go all the way, and head for the aisle with the heckling rye.

Carson Day has written approximately 1.3 gazillion articles and essays, many with very insightful, if alternative, viewpoints. He presently writes for Ophir Gold Corporation, and specialized in the history of ideas in college. He has been quoted in the past as saying "What box?" and remains at large despite the best efforts of the civil authorities.

Slavers Claim To be Slaves - Taxation

Slavers Claim To be Slaves - Taxation

The United States of America was planned by elite members of secret societies. One of those elites was Francis Bacon whose utopian book actually used what was being done in Peru as a model. Indeed you will have to read a lot more books to know that these elites were involved in the Americas since before the time of Moses but suffice it to say we have forensic analysis or Peruvian cocaine in Egyptian mummies and genetics to go along with data galore from all disciplines of science. The US Founding document has a pre-cursor Constitution from over a century earlier in the Iroquois Confederation. There were Masons with traders in America who had been here before Columbus and there was an elite group of Indians who belonged to one of their offshoots called The Mediwiwin Society. Haplogroup X genetics shows us that the Sioux are white and the Sioux are related to the Iroquois and at one time they both were the Megwi and before that they were Hopewell, Adena and Poverty Point Phoenician traders back to the time of Stonehenge if not before.

"? John Dickinson of Pennsylvania claimed in the wake of the Stamp Act of the 1760s, that 'Those who are taxed without their own consent, expressed by themselves or their representatives, are slaves.' Because England had taxed the American colonies without their consent, Dickinson continued, 'We are therefore-SLAVES.' The argument that Britain sought to make Americans slaves in the mid-eighteenth century was a gross exaggeration, but Americans used the term metaphorically to impress Britain with the seriousness of their opposition to the loss of liberty. Dickinson's words carried a great irony when he wrote them in 1768, because he was the largest slaveholder in Philadelphia at the time, and his slaves were bound by chains much stronger than metaphors." (1)

Britain had legislated an end to slavery or effectively had started the ball rolling to this end through Lord Mansfield's court decision. The nobles of America who were often Royals from their native country where their families still held power, are obviously not to be trusted when they say they are 'slaves' for any reason whatsoever. The Louisiana Purchase and the setting of the 49th Parallel as the northern border of the US are important pieces in the establishment of the country that now heads the New World Order but which is a mere continuation of the Romano-Bruttii plot to increase their control or Empire.

So many people who you may regard as heroes are not very heroic at all. I have had to face this issue in regards to many of my family or ancestry. It is not all that different today than it was when Andrew Jackson promised blacks their freedom and they fought alongside his men in the Battle of New Orleans. He then called James Roberts (a black man who fought valiantly) 'presumptuous' for reminding him of his promise. People need a real lesson in ethics if there is to be any actual change or Peace and Harmony on earth.

Man Is Not An Island

Man Is Not An Island

Our thoughts do not take leave of absence.

They are actually objects, beings, ever present in our minds at all times; every single one of them.

The database exists, and it is online; constantly, we have access to all the information that has been stored inside our minds through all of our experience of life so far.

Whenever a word, idea, or piece of information is mentioned in the present, our brains connect to our database, opening up chapters for reference in our gathering encyclopedia, sighting every word or sentence linked to the piece of information supplied from the outside world.

So in essence, with every word you hear, everything you see or sense, every thing you feel; an unconscious link in your mind refers to the stored information inside you ? it's like files opened and placed before you on your desk- like windows opening on your digital screen ? and your mind instantly scans through them at lightning speed.

For our human brains are indeed the fastest computers in existence, this processing taking place in the blink of an eyelid, flash of a second.

But get this; your next thought and or action becomes a synthesis, re-absorption, and reproduction of the data flashed in your mind, so that you respond not only to outside actions but their reactions with the stuff within.

Note, note, for this is the point of our study; which is to determine the reason behind every action and thought for interpretation and prediction.

The stuff inside you is a part of the essential information that determines your actions and consequent thought. It is an on-going process, one bead after the other, creating the revolution and rotation of existence, a CHAIN that grows, one bead a consequence of the previous line of beads, to infinity.

[Which may be the reason the Chinese and Red Indians believed in karma, cycles of life and nature, and the often indigestible re-incarnation].

This amounts to an essential reason why it is important to try to control the information imputed into our systems at present ? for they become our futures, just as our pasts become our presents, within the interplay of elements and circumstances.

For once again, there is no such thing as 'change' to my reasoning, only evolution.

Everyone is what they were and they will be what they are now. The illusion of change is projected from progressive or regressive evolution. People become better or worse at beings what they are, but the innate thing and substance of what they are does not change.

Our minds are encyclopedias. These biological and chemical machines simply work with the data they receive.

The things we read, the voices and messages we listen to ? the objects we look at ? the things that surround us [or we consciously surround ourselves with when we become knowledgeable], the in-streams of foreign thought and data that we do not possess originally [though the question becomes a tricky one, for what thought do we originally possess? Humans being created to be stimulated, senses useless instruments until they receive impulses. We seem to be restricted to think what we feel and nothing else save the primal instincts of hunger to keep ourselves alive and lust to experiment with our bodily endowments].

The ability to control the information we input must be preceded with the trained ability to identify the situations we place ourselves/or are placed -in, and to be conscious of the things that are hereby made to influence; directly or indirectly, knowing that each piece of information is being supplied to our systems at rapid, unimaginable rates, and that they do not fade into oblivion but remain for reference every single time a link is created in the present.

[Now I believe that there are such individuals that have acquired such a consciousness of the unconscious realm deliberately or intuitively, that they keep a substantial amount of their perceptive powers focused on their screens as security checks; scanning through the data conscientiously, creating their own willful synthesized reactions where they seek to suppress a reference deliberately, manipulating the motions of the thoughts in their minds and the actions of their bodies as far as they can help it. Unable to erase unwanted data supplied or already in existence, probably, but flooding them with torrents of information or feeling to shield, neutralize or obliterate them as far as they can be obliterated ? pushing them to the furthest realms of the space within. And I intend to become a master in this art.]

The portion of our unconscious/conscious mind's database [for it is shared by both spheres so that there is a union of knowledge, from sources within and without, inside our minds, that influence our bodies as wholes] is like a display screen we have our backs turned to [most of us], digital streams of a matrix passing just out of the sight of our conscious mind's eye.

Our consciousness is totally aware of course. The sleeping giant.

The question then becomes; are you prepared to be on speaking terms with him? For most of us aren't.

It's amazing. We are the sum of our experiences; primarily the things people have put into us. We are the products of our mentors, even the ones we had no clue made existing significant contributions that continue to influence the decisions we make.

Every action or thought we make or possess in the present is a product of the experiences we have had in the past. We are living reflections or people, and we are a composition of people's living reflections of people.

So strangely enough, people are the most influential factors in the determination of one's actions and thoughts, and the path of one's journey in life.

Every individual is a product of the individuals that have surrounded him physically and mentally [family members, friends, religious leaders and icons i.e. pictures and stories of Jesus Christ or Buddha, figures of authority, authors of books, movie characters on TV., artists and musicians on the radio, a man on the street, a teacher in a class, an object of one's infatuation ?] and filled his mind with thoughts through the course of these uncountable, almost infinite, number of distinct relationships with each and every one of them.

We all know the next step. Physically and mentally follow the paths to the places you want to be. Surround yourself with the thoughts you want imputed into your system.

Man was not created to be isolated. Man is not an Island. Hence we are never alone, constantly surrounded by people sometimes in body but always in thought. Man has never been utterly alone. Not even Robinson Crusoe.

Socrates Warned Us But We Killed Him

Socrates Warned Us But We Killed Him

The ability to do something that requires generations to develop was kept a secret in all areas of human endeavour during what we call pre-history. It did not change when culture advanced to the point where people could read scrolls. In point of fact Plato observed a reduction in disciplined knowledge resulted from the writing alphabet given to the Greeks by their Danaus forbears or colonizers. But you would think writing might allow an improvement in knowledge and society. Indeed this is potentially true with any medium for sharing but would you say that TV has lead to an increase in knowledge or just an increase in wasted time and confusing inputs? The shamans and elites who developed the various disciplines and metal-working secrets gradually became the most powerful people in the world. When they met each other they were excited to share knowledge in most cases. It is hard to share knowledge with people who are not willing to put out the years of effort to learn more than some little thing, they might use or satisfy some immediate need with.

Some of these families or the larger clan became adept in numerous disciplines, trades or crafts and they traveled widely around the whole earth as a result of the greater technology they had. They did not always tell the people who worshipped their knowledge all the facts. They still write histories or have their journalists and social engineers tell myths and make religions. That would be one reason that most people who have read this little bit of writing might be starting to close their mind. People generally do not want to believe that their leaders have created myths and/or lied to them. They like to believe they are smart and have common sense enough to tell when they are being hypnotized through rituals that they did not design but have had personal experience through visions or other insights that they think could not have been manufactured or CONstructed.

People like me try to tell the truth as best we can but we are attacked because we say that learning requires real effort or must be tested through years of study. There have been many occasions when people like myself have been made the object of Inquisitions or other murderous campaigns as a result. Some of my intellectual forbears decided to structure hierarchies like the top-down Platonic model rather than the Dialectical questioning of Socrates. This was true long before Pythagoras learned in the Bairdic University System headed by Abaris (Rabbi) the Druid. It was probably true before the meteor that hit the area where we find the Bermuda Triangle caused worldwide tectonic and tidal upheaval leading to the death of most people on earth. Some of the people who learn a lot in one lifetime think they know it all and they start to think that they can find easier ways to build conclaves or learned people. Most often they are enjoying the ego and power of the special insights they gained through prior designs and CONstructs they do not even partially understand.

So when L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. blew the whistle on his Rosicrucian-trained father's enterprises there were few if any people who could really believe that it was possible to 'grab or break and crack souls'. Socrates experienced something worse than being bought off because he refused to stop telling the truth or leave his country and countrymen. He was branded as a 'conspiracy theorist' and people could not grasp the possibilities he tried to lead them to question.

Understanding Of I-Ching And Tai Chi In Relation To Our Lives

Understanding Of I-Ching And Tai Chi In Relation To Our Lives

Tai Chi, The Great Ultimate, was found earliest in the Book of Change, or otherwise known as I-Ching. Legend said that this scripture has written by the first emperor of the Zhou Dynasty - Zhou Wen Wang. Thus I-Ching is also known as Zhou-Yi.

I-Ching, or the Book of Change, with its name implies, stated that life is in constant flux of change. The word I (Yi in pinyin) means 'change' in Chinese. It is formed from the characters of the sun and the moon, which represents yang and yin respectively.

It has a verse stating, "Changes has the Great Ultimate, which give rise to the Two Elements. The Two Elements give rise to the Four Phenomena, and the Four Phenomena give rise to the Eight Hexagrams..."

Let's begin with the word Tai Chi - the Great Ultimate. It actually means the earliest, the beginning... of all events and things. In some case, it refers to the Universe by ancient Chinese.

In one of the scripture, it stated that "One yin and one yang is the Way..." This means that the all changes of events and things in the universe come from this opposing, yet united forces of yin and yang.

This is why in from Tai Chi, there arises in the Two Elements - yin and yang. Take a look at the Tai Chi diagram, which is better known as the 2-Fishes diagram in Chinese. It is a circle divided into 2 sections in proportion. The circle is representing Tai Chi, or the Universe Whole, and within this wholeness, there's the Two Elements.

The division of the yin and yang in Tai Chi means that there are 2 opposing elements, represented by the black section and white section respectively. Yet, the division is not a straight division, but a curved division - meaning that the 2 opposing elements actually accommodate each other in order to form the complete circle.

Firstly, this means that while it is divided as opposing elements - it is united in a way to form the complete wholeness. The opposing yet united forces of yin and yang became the basis of the thinking in I-Ching. And Tai Chi uses the concepts in the I-Ching, the yin and yang elements as the core concepts to explain the both physical and meta-physical aspects of the world.

Secondly, the curved division gives a sense of balance. Here, we are talking about balancing the yin and yang elements here. There's this statement in I-Ching: "When the yin goes to the extreme, the yang is born. And when the yang goes to the extreme, the yin is born".

Look at the 2-fishes diagram again. If you go in counter-clock wise along the diameter of the Tai Chi circle, you will find that as one element grows more and more and reach its peak, the other elements will begin to grow in replacement. For example, if you move along the diameter on the black side, you will see that the 'half' represented by the black will become bigger and bigger and then suddenly shrink and the white 'half' will begin to grow instead. This means that if one element goes to the extreme, the other will begin to set in.

What does this mean to us then?

Simple: we have to balance our life in every aspect, and do not just focus only on one or a few. We have to balance between work and personal life, between family and friends, between material and spiritual, and the list goes on. Otherwise, there will be disharmony in our lives.

Thirdly, the movement growing or shrinking of the yin and yang elements within the Tai Chi diagram suggests that life changes constantly to and from between good and bad, joy and sorrow, happiness and sadness, high and low and between any two extreme qualities. This is the dualistic principles in I-Ching.

In any events or things, there are two qualities within. There's no such thing as complete good or perfectly bad things. It is the degree of good, or bad that matters.

Take for example, can we say that a person is good because there's no bad quality in him, or a person is bad because he or she have never done any 'good' at all??? A good person may at times been guilty of small bad deeds, and a bad person may at times have some good in him or her. Isn't it?

A good thing may have some negative side in it. And vice versa, a bad thing may have some positive side in it. It depends on how we perceive the issue. That's the dualistic principles in I-Ching.

This goes to the next concepts. In the diagram, within each element, there's a dot in it. The black section has a white dot, while the white section has a black dot. What does this means? We move now to the next statement: The Two Elements give rise to the Four Phenomena. This means, in the yin element, there will be yang element and vice versa, in the yang element, there will be yin element.

What does it means to us?

In any events or things, there will be some good in the bad, and some bad in the good. Just like there's some yin in the yang, and some yang in the yin. For example, when a person wins a race, others will lose the race. There's bad news within the good news, there's sorrow amongst joy, there's losing among winning and so on.

In life, there will be mixtures of good and bad, joy and sorrow, happiness and sadness, winning and losing, high and low, and it all come in a 'package'!

Therefore, we should learn to be more give and take - and accept the nature of life as it is. Enjoy the good things, and accept the bad one bravely and gracefully. This will then help us to achieve a more balance and harmonious life.

Tai Chi's concepts of yin and yang became influential to the ancient Chinese, and found its way into the philosophy, theories, medicine, art of war, religion, arts and the way of maintaining life. It has found its way into Daoism, which in some ways, people claimed that Tai Chi is under the idea of Daoism, which is not quite true. It should be the other way round.

Whatever it is, understanding the principles of I-Ching does help us to understand the nature of life itself to better balance and manage our ups and downs to face our daily chores and challenges. And I wish all of you success and harmony in your life. May the Energy of Tai Chi be with you!

The Early Life of Jesus

The Early Life of Jesus


Yeshua bar Joseph or Yeshua ben Joseph has become known as Jesus Christ. He was neither Jesus nor The Chriost. (1) This book will dare to try to make some sense of all the myths and conflict surrounding him. I won't try to make it a scholarly book and there will not be a lot of references and so-called 'experts'. The many great authors and wise men who have tried to pierce the veil of his myth are my inspirations along with the Dead Sea Scrolls and Dag Hammadi finds. I especially want to thank Hyam Maccoby, Bloom and John Dominic Crossan who has been a professor at De Paul University n Chicago. This book will be a fiction but so are most books telling us something about what he might represent or what he might have been. It will be far less of a fiction than the words put in his mouth by the pulpit-pounders who would not like what I or Yeshua will have to say, about the likes of the 'money-changers' who he threw out of the Temple in his youth according to the Bible. I hope my poor craft or wordsmithery will convey an excitement I feel for having Jesus as my guide or the things he did as he learned to do great things.

He was from a rich clan or group of people who have been in control of most of the world for many millennia. In 1 Kings 10:22, 2 Chronicles 9:21, and 2 Chronicles 20:36 we can reasonably conclude that Solomon had a navy whose home port was Ezion-Geber on the north shore of the Gulf of Aqabah that had three year voyages bringing back things not merely African. Solomon was his forbear. He was not a poor shepherd or son of a carpenter. He lived in exciting times and went through many changes from zealot (bandit according to Josephus) to philosopher but settled as a Cynic after learning the things we call Yoga or sorcery in far off lands. I will present some of his escapades alongside Mary who I believe he married after years of being her best friend and fellow student in Alexandria with the likes of Comarius, who also tutored Cleopatra to be a good alchemist. Indeed Mary will be very much his equal and this will not sit well with those who want to present him as 'the only begotten' so that they might interpret for him as the Lord's sole representative.

Antisthenes was a pupil of Socrates and he is the acknowledged founder of the school of philosophy known as the Cynics. There is an esoteric through-line that includes Yeats (The HOGD) and Blake or other Stuart Royal Society members including Newton and the heads of the Priory of Sion including Da Vinci. I address these matters more fully in other books I have done. Lesser influences of the Cynics are the Stoics but there are many esoteric schools which are more impacted by alchemy and the ancient sciences of the Druidic peryllats or shamans.

There is a place in the Caribbean that I have spent a lot of time in. Today it is called Belize and it was a favorite hangout of the pirates all the way back to pre-Cretan times. One of its special attractions is the chili plant that produces the hottest chili in the world. The same conditions in the soil also bring us root juices that would have been used by Tantra or other sexual ritual practitioners in places like Josephine's Virgin (Yes like the Virgin Mary, who was no virgin.) Islands. I can easily imagine Ambergris Caye had a production center of this juice. I know this is one of the few places (Just two.) where the Merovingians have an ashram. These are the Essenes and the local legends there tell us Jesus (Yeshua) came to the Mayan lands. I think his last words reported in the Bible make more sense translated through Mayan.

We are inundated with nonsense about Erectile Dysfunction today. Some authors negate the importance of psychology and few address the creative aspects of Tantra. Of course, you can be sure; I think the Merovingian drug or pharmaceutical complex is involved in keeping secrets. This is a link that mentions Ambergris Caye which is where San Pedro and the Essene location can be found - and ambergris brought back by whalers may be connected. They love to make stories up that keep the secret and build more mystery which makes the products sell at higher prices.


The root juice sold in Belize is concocted from Coclemeca and Gangweo in combination. The supply is limited and seems to be left over plants around Mayan ceremonial centers from long ago. Since the plants require 35 years to grow, the source is estimated sufficient only for about 500 people."

Here is a poem from one of the Stuart-backed alchemical types talking about Jesus coming to Britain.

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land. - William Blake (1757-1827)

Some Ponderable Questions

Some Ponderable Questions

I am nothing if not inquisitive. Ask any person who knows me well. I always ask question. Even when I don't know what I am asking. One question I always feel curious about can be described as follows...

We all know our earth is three fourth water and only one fourth land. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if it was the opposite? Would then all countries be joined together? Of course, there will be lot more countries. But they all will be connected by land? There may be bus service between Sri Lanka and Canada. It would take a quite long, but the service will be there for people to use. This would also raise the issue: will there have been lot of harmony among people? About this, I cannot be sure. There will be lot more fighting too. But thing is for sure people will know more people.

If you think this was quite silly, I also have questions about real life situations. Here is one question to ponder and I think there is something to it. It is about my city of Kolkata, India or any other cities in India. I sometime wonder is there any need for automobiles in a city like Kolkata. Wouldn't it be much nicer to have people walk or ride bicycles to their work or any other places where they want to be? Imagine how much pollution can be reduced and how much money could be saved? Not to mention the physical discomfort and possibility of hurting or even dying in accidents. Granted, people will loose some time by using this mode of transportation. But what good is saving a few hours time in your life when the pollution and other hazards are taking away years?

Now one might say this was too practical for an article of this nature. Well I think about other questions too which have been asked from time immemorial. Some of them are (with my annotation):

· Who came first, chicken or the egg, although both seem quite tasty.

· Why did the dinosaurs go extinct? Well we may be curious to know this but aren't we happy they are gone. If they were roaming on the face of this earth, wouldn't we, the humans, be extinct by now?

· Can an asteroid or some big foreign objects hit our earth one day? This is quite possible. Then should we not build alternative places to live such as underground cities?

· What makes some women beautiful? This is a worthwhile question to ask, although I think makeup plays an important role. I am curious to think that if I say to some woman 'Your make up is beautiful' will that be taken as a complement?

· Will computers (robot) do pretty much everything from cleaning to driving etc one day? This raises an interesting question. What happens when a Robot driving a car crashes? By 'crash' I mean the computer inside the Robot crashes. This would most likely result in a car crash. I wonder who will be deemed guilty in that case. Oh officer, this crash was completely not at fault, it is a result of another crash.

· I have always wondered when a zero is added to zero why is always zero. I think the answer may be in spelling. Imagine the way we spell zero, if we add more o's to it , it still sounds zero albeit slightly elongated - ZEROOOOOOOOO!

At this point, one may wonder where I am going with the article. Isn't there anything serious I can talk about? It is true that there are no serious questions in my world? Not at all! Since childhood, men ask questions: why is sky blue, why do we have day and night, how are babies born. Why, why, why? As she or she grows older, he/she asks bigger and better questions (at least so we think). For example, Isaac Newton asked why the apple fell on his head? In fact, the fall of this legendary apple led him to deduce that gravitation (a force between objects) exists, and leads us to deduce that Newton had an orchard! However, Newton could not explain why this force gravitation exists, and we cannot explain if there were other trees in his orchard, such as pear, orange or almond! Then Einstein explained the gravitational force with his theory of space-time curvature. If I go on here, it will very soon take this article beyond the scope of a layperson. But you wanted some serious, so I gave you some serious! Take it or leave it! Let me finish by mentioning some of the questions vexing human minds today:

· How did the universe begin and how will it all end?
· How did life originate in earth?
· What are the basic constituents of matter?
· Are there intelligent beings anywhere in the universe?
· Is there a parallel universe?
· Put your own question.

Needless to say I cannot answer any of these questions, just as I cannot explain why you just wasted an hour in reading this article.

If you like this article please send me a feedback to .

Animus Mundi and Intelligent Design

Animus Mundi and Intelligent Design

Animus Mundi:

The World Mind or Critical Mass of intellectual and spiritual energy was called Animus Mundi by the spiritually aware revivalists of the turn of the century. The spirit or 'anima' (Aristotle) in all that is includes things not alive as we think of it. The Mayans put it this way - 'Do not put yourself in front of your Self'. There is a qualitative aspect to our genetic mutations and other changes in the world around us. Koestler saw some of it and Bucky Fuller (A 'charmed' person to be sure.) put it forward as 'creative realization'. I also have enjoyed many other Fullerisms and principles. His 'Observer of the Observed' is a tool I have found useful in keeping balance even as I seem to be hysterical in the joy of what goes on around me. Bucky said that the world around us is the way it is because we 'think' or 'made' it that way because of our mindset or what might be termed our paradigm. All we need to do to actualize great and wondrous change is to 'think' differently.

Dr. Janice Boddy says we have a 'Reifying thrust of Materialism' and we need to develop a 'Reifying thrust of Spiritualism' I think.


Just as Gertrude observed in her airplane flights over America, there are designs that open and aware artists or people can tune into. The ancients who worshipped Ra or other sun-gods were more aware of our intricate and intimate involvement with the sun than you might imagine. It is not just the desire for melatonin such as the Star Fire Ceremony of the Rosicrucians like Gardner that allow me to say this. He details the psychic and spiritual effects on us through the Third Eye. It is not just the accuracy of the prophetic Mayan calendar which tracks the transit of Venus in its short count. That transit has a means of understanding the effect of the sun when combined with the Long Count or Polar Wander Path. I have tried to describe these things in other books and I confess it is not a simple discussion; or at least I am not able to make it so. Suffice it to say, there are ways we are impacted by the forces of nature that make us a very habit formed creature far beyond mere psychological conditioning. The billions of years that life has been evolving in concert with or alongside the effects of the stars and cosmic or earth energies are in all of us whether we are attuned to it or not.

When man does not know all the awesome potential he (she) has to develop God does God develop as well as God would like? When man does not fulfill a positive harmonizing function and all manner of other life forms suffer because of it, does that mean it was God who was the problem? I say God (he/she/it) or Divine Providence must grow or harmonize and man making God the culprit for man's own deceits and destructive acts is mere anthropomorphing ego. We must stop the divisive and racist designs that old religions and other insane constructs cause. There is more - MUCH more wealth and health available for all life on earth - if only we ethically planned to act in creative cooperation with 'All that IS'. This is the real 'Charm of Making'. Intelligent Design:

WILLIAM DEMBSKI: - Rather than deal with Intelligent Design thoughts and the math of this highly accredited academic who was given a Research Center at Baylor University, that has been in the news a lot over the last few years; I will place some thoughts that may be confusing but touch upon some of the issues of the Origin of Life as debated in the larger theme of our beginnings and consciousness studies. It is a response with other people in a long thread of posts on the matter of Creationism and Intelligent Design.

I see Evolutionary Theory as a study of the Origin of Life not the genesis of the human species. There are few researchers (including Jacobson of ASU who discovered Lucy) who will not do any human evolutionary tree today. Darwin did not go to the Galapagos to study humans. He tried also to maintain he was not inspired by Lamarck (whose work includes an attunement or qualitative aspect that Russian science still employs rather than the more quantitative approach of most Western scholars) but it was subsequently shown that Darwin was well versed in Lamarckian principles and employed much of his insight though from a different premise or POV. Darwin also had a Theory of Love. You do not read about it and that is sad, because that really integrates what I am about to demonstrate if this discussion goes to the nature of lattice intersectional consciousness.

That is where one encounters another theory - different from Interventionism or the alien seed from microbial RNA lattices. Darwin was greatly hampered by his materialistic science that understood nothing of the cellular level of life biologic. They had no microbiology or electron microscopes. It is upon the cellular substrate that each lifeform has been created and the Human Genome Project assures us we are not so different genetically from the worm. I offer certain 'Faith'-based evidence as proof of that contention.

This theory suggests that the crystalline structure of rocks and minerals had a part to play in focusing energy to the biological soup ingredients at the beginning of life on earth. It is cutting edge stuff and I have only seen one article on it. I like this theory because I am a great fan of String Theory and Solid State Physicists like Robins and Tiller of Stanford (He has a recent book on Creation of life which I quote and have referred to many times in these debates.). String Theory tells us that all matter and energy is derived from 'one dimensional harmonic forces'. Now I can also draw the Logos into this and ask about the two muons separated in the deep Sudbury research center. How can sub-atomic particles communicate as was shown in this study? If they can communicate do they have some rudimentary consciousness? Indeed consciousness may not be only existent in biologic life.

Going down that path will eventually take us to our most feared Creator or the collective unconscious, and the ONE of many non-theistic disciplines like Buddhism. I did not come to the point I am at (OPEN), by desire to believe in a Creator. I assure you I am raised in the most Atheistical up-bringing and approach. But now I see some merit in something these religions may have intuited somehow.

"In the open state any asymmetry causes an energy imbalance to build up, caused by rectification of random fluctuations occurring in the surrounding region. When some shock causes closure, an energy discharge will occur and the resulting flow can provide the shock needed to cause a change in state of other nearby junctions. So waves of switching action will arise spontaneously: these could be the quantum waves: the core feature of quantum theory. Furthermore, all the ingredients are present from which a working neural network could evolve and could ultimately yield a primary consciousness.

The network or grid, now defining the "nuether" and represented symbolically by a rectangular mesh in Figures 3, 5, and 6, would interconnect everything in the universe. As yet, however, no universe of matter could exist. Spontaneous creation of the nuether had to occur first, followed by evolution of its consciousness, since on this model matter would require deliberate design. {This came from the site of the Center for Philosophical Freedom and an extensive article by Ronald Pearson which includes this description of his work as well Articles by and about Ronald Pearson, the Derbyshire scientist who has discovered a structure of the ether that has potential to evolve intelligence. This has provided the mathematics to back up the experiments of Sir William Crookes and Charles Richet. In these experiments, deceased people returned, proving they had survived death.}" (12)

I see so much in current science that supports life after death theories; and yet it may not be our personality which continues to exist in the ways most religions or concepts like Karma think of it. Beyond 'limbo' or 'purgatory' and these local event horizon states or attached energy bandwidths I think little could be likened to what we would call our own persona. In closing let me say simply - we must learn to think and question in the Socratian manner or else we are headed for a lot more war and other ghastly results.

"When she came out of the anaesthetic, she turned to the always faithful Alice B. Toklas and said, 'What is the answer?' The heartbroken Alice was unable to reply and, after a pause, Gertrude went on: 'In that case, what is the question?' These, it is said were her last words."(13) And in my mind no bard or mere poet ever asked a more important question of life each and every day.

The Esoteric Mandate (Rothschilds too)

The Esoteric Mandate (Rothschilds too)

The monopoly called usury given to a specific group of Jews has a long history including Templars with Papal Passports. You might think the Jews have been horrifically pursued with prejudice and there certainly are some Jews (That the Halakah or law of the elite Jews also is willing to abuse.) who have been treated most foully by their 'brothers' or fellow man. I ask you to remember that spies and politics go hand in hand and I hope you know the Rothschilds got given the De Medicis (Templar before that) monopoly and spy network. It lead to them controlling the British Treasury at the occasion of the end of The Battle of Waterloo. They had their British Royal cousin to thank for it. This is a fact admitted in their official biographies.

There are many high-sounding maxims in all cults and religions. The Wiccan Rede talks about 'Perfect Love and Perfect Trust' while the Cathars had the Dove which symbolizes the 'living love of Jesus'. Crowley's free-sounding phrase 'Do what thou will, is the only law' is closer to the actual through-line of all these catchy phrases. Crowley may actually have served a far better purpose than many saints if one studies the impact of his ministry which threw reality out there in a very public manner. We know the Rothschild family was involved with Crowley and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and I wonder if they intended people to start realizing some things they had kept secret or used amongst themselves.

One of the three Laws of the Magi is RIGHT THOUGHT = RIGHT ACTION. I think this is similar to Divine Providence and the Holy Spirit but I am not sure if I will be able to briefly state why this is the case. Let me try.

When I have done decrees I find they only work for me (or work best and most provably - not just a case of hard work and elbow grease) when I ask or pray for something that will benefit others or that will make me better able to help others. I have had to do a lot of introspection and I find I must be sure of my own motivations when doing these decrees. I seldom do any ritual or decree but after years of training perhaps some of these things are merely 'natural' for me now. I have decreed that I win a national contest in a draw, my 'twin' into my life, an exorcism for a friend's wife, healings, and even an on demand request that had a lot of another person's energy and INTENT built up over three weeks of soul-searching.

OK so let us say I have explained INTENT and the need for a decree to have major elements of The Greater Good associated with it. Yes, I know it was just the tip of the iceberg. It took me over a decade to really get this gift or curse. I assure you it can be a curse. One of the reasons it becomes a curse has to do with the openness to other life energies that is required in the attunement to the Divine or Hand of Fate or whatever God might be. This is one reason why Crowley and others know they must face death (not just Da'ath in the Sephardic Kaballah or Tree of Life). It will alter you in ways that make you a target for other people with less good 'intent'. They will call you a 'witch' even though they are not aware of what is going on. They will be threatened and say you need a 'shrink'. In fact the Salem Witch Trials (ergot poisoning that it was) are still on-going as sophisticated Inquisitions attempt to make people follow leaders who are behind the scenes. These leaders like the Rothschilds who backed Crowley's Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn or Hitler's Golden Centurion groups around the world have members of their De Brix clan who have been adept at esoterics for a very long time. When Cosimo De Medicis paid to have the Corpus Hermeticum translated and put his clan name on the book (De Brix) he was not the first 'dabbler' in these arts from this family. Melchizedek is perhaps the first of this family that history has records about, who was such an adept. The Hanes Taliesin does trace this history.

Guerrilla Mythbusting: 5 Snappy Rules For Spotting and Exposing Popular Nonsense

Guerrilla Mythbusting: 5 Snappy Rules For Spotting and Exposing Popular Nonsense

College students tend to wax enthusiastic about the lessons they pick up in class. Curiously, this very admirable trait, a thirst for knowledge, has a downside to it. When one learns at a rate best described as "alarming," which college students often must do, little time exists to sit and sift through all that new material carefully. And this burdensome task would mandate yet more study time, which luxury few students can afford.

This means that, for very practical reasons, they will tend to accept readily the sermons that echo from academic pulpits. Consumers of media information have nearly the same problem -- a large flow of information thrust at them, and little time to sort through it. Election years only magnify this problem, and political candidates can grind axes with the best of them. When a scandal breaks out, the media blitz can sometimes blind even the more critical viewers. So we have done some of the extra homework for these groups to help them make the best of this unhappy situation. Here, we offer a clear-headed set of rules to disperse the fog quickly, adding daylight to the topic at hand.

As a first step in adopting a cautiously critical posture, we would like to introduce the rule, "take careful notes and develop a long memory by referring back to them now and again." Spin-doctors count on the fact -- a most unhappy truth -- that most people do not remember what the sales script said that they fed to the masses last week. This way, when they later change the story, you can call them on it. If it's a political speech in question, "Tivo" it, so you can play it back when later when spin proponents deny that their guy ever said it in the first place.

Second, isolate the parts of the speech or lecture that seem to form the main points of the argument. Often this or that advocate will avoid stating the main points of his argument explicitly, only implying them. Make the implied parts explicit yourself by asking, "what assumption(s), does this depend upon that he has not stated openly?" Then write them down. For instance, if one were to argue, "We had to attack his country because the guy is a tyrant," then note that this assumes -- unless otherwise qualified -- that we must attack all countries where tyrants rule. Given today's political climate, this would not promote a very promising course of action. So stated, we would have to attack almost everyone, starting with the I.R.S.

So remember to make a list of the important claims in question -- whether the speaker or writer has stated, implied, or simply assumed them.

Third, "Always examine a claim by itself first."

This provides a fast and easy way to prevent reckless professors, for instance, from hoodwinking students into bogus philosophies (as is their custom). For instance, consider the popular claim, "There are no moral absolutes." This would mean that claims about morality necessarily have exceptions. Evaluating this claim by its own words, however, quickly reveals that it provides to us an example of a moral absolute. It allows no exception, while speaking to the topic of morality.

Ironically, then, the claim instances an example of just what it denies. The claim cannot be true on ITS OWN terms. Such claims would play the roles of felon AND whistleblower all at once. They represent a form of logical or propositional suicide, since they affirm by example, and yet forbid by principle, the very same thing. Look for these and you will find more than you imagine might suffuse popular chatter.

Fourth, compare and contrast these claims, assumptions, and implied assertions with one another, asking, "Are these logically consistent with each other, or do they get along like Larry, Moe and Curly when the ladder-swinging begins, and the paintbrushes start to fly?" Sometimes speakers will utter logically incompatible sayings within a very short span. So you will need to learn to identify them to note when this happens. Here, you will have located spin, exaggeration, unwarranted claims, or even outright lies. You might even get two-for-one.

For instance, when the U.S. invaded Iraq, it did so against the voice of the U.N. inspectors, who wanted more time. This shows that the U.S. (or at least the current administration) believes it proper to ignore whatever authority the U.N. might have when it deems it necessary. Yet when Iraq defied the very same U.N. authority (Saddam, as we say, "dissed" the U.N. inspectors) the Bush administration claimed that this provided grounds to invade Iraq. The "Okay for us, but not for them" trick is called the fallacy of self-exception. One commits this error in reasoning when he lays down a rule for everyone or every argument, and then arbitrarily excuses himself (or his position) from following, or being subject to, the same rule.

Finally, spin-doctors notoriously create mind-fog by abusing langauge. Sometimes they utter deliberately vague or ambiguous sayings. Sometimes they simply make fine-sounding claims and offer no proof. You have heard this many times: "Our product delivers twice the chocolatey goodness and only half the calories!!" (And Joe Fried-potato, who happens to be wider than your dining room, AGREES!!). The simple way to fight mind-fog comes from asking questions that clarify.

For instance, in your criminology course, you might ask Professor Plumb, "Professor, you said something about a candlestick in a library. Precisely what did you mean by "candlestick," and did you mean to refer to this literally, or as some sort of symbol that stands for something else? Press the point, when you feel that someone tries to sell you something, as it were, under-the-table -- and make them sell it over-the-counter instead. Make them say just what they mean, clearly and precisely.

Once you have a clearer idea of the nature of the claim he wishes to promote, you can toss it into the pool of "noted claims to compare and contrast," first measuring that claim by itself, and then by checking it against the other claims in the pool. Some claims will swim, while others will plunge like the Titanic at an iceberg party.

Here, just below, we have collected a few of our favorite sayings popular on college campuses, most of which we have heard Professor Spin mumble more than once from his academic pulpit. Not only do most of these refute themselves, but they also don't get along with each other very well, as we will see. Our helpful and irreverent responses to these appear in brackets.

1. No one can really know anything for sure, when all is said and done. [Really? Are you certain?]

2. All religions are equally valid [Most, but not all, religions deny this] [But we are absolutely sure this is true anyway].

3. We must tolerate all views [except those which deny this][Which includes most, but not all, religions] [but we are absolutely sure that the dissenting religions are all equally wrong][And, of course, we will not tolerate those dogmatic religions].

4. There are no ethical absolutes [And we mean absolutely none] [Note: This claim contradicts #1, 2, and 3 also.]

5. Slavery is wrong [Although this is true, we put it here so you would notice that it contradicts #1, #2, #3 and #4, which shows that claims 1-4 are false, but popular enough anyway].

6. Education is the key to solving the world's problems [Unless we count all the logical problems created by educated people (see above) who say impossible things]. [Note: this also contradicts #1, #2, and #4.]

7. Your western views are too binary [You see, there are only binary views, and non-binary ones -- which is itself a binary view -- oops] [hint: all views logically exclude some other views] [Which, of course, shows that NOT all views are equally valid] [Some views, like "the earth is flat" are just goofy, and these are only "equally vaild" with other stupid ideas].

8. Religion is responsible for killing too many people [which implies that murder is wrong, even though this sounds like a moral absolute] [This also contradicts claims #1-4, and #7.] [And note that, if this statement were true, it would render all religions equally bad, not "equally valid," whatever that might mean].

9. Bible-thumping Christians are too dogmatic. [It is written: Thou shalt not be dogmatic!] [And we are sure of this] [So, follow instead OUR dogma, even though it refutes itself] [Which means that BTC's should not be tolerated, contrary to #3 above] [And that their religion is not "equally valid" with non-thumping religions, contrary to #2].

We could go on, and have great fun doing it, but you get the point. This band of hired accusers failed to coordinate their testimonies in advance. And so many of the views promulgated from academic pulpits turn out just a little nuttier than Jif. Just because a confused-but-confident professor, politician, or spin-doctor says it loudly and often -- this doesn't make it true. So when she says, "question authority," you might want to take her at her word, and start by putting her own claims on the chopping block first.

In any case, by keeping these five rules handy, you can arm yourself against all manner of rhetorical shenanigans and verbal skullduggery.

Carson Day has written approximately 1.3 gazillion articles and essays, many with very insightful, if alternative, viewpoints. He presently writes for Ophir Gold Corporation, and specialized in the history of ideas in college. He has been quoted in the past as saying "What box?" and remains at large despite the best efforts of the civil authorities.

Knowledge and Study of Social Science

Knowledge and Study of Social Science

. Human being Knowledge & social science

Human beings are the best creature of the Creator. Why? Human being has got some distinct qualities, behaviors, sensitiveness, instincts, education, capability of prediction which are absent in beasts and other creature. The mankind is considered as 'ashraful makhlukat' and is immensely blessed by the Creator. Only the human beings have been given the ability to acquire knowledge of different branches of civilization. But unfortunately education the prime means of acquiring knowledge, as it appears is no more knowledge based and now a days, its aim appears mainly to have an institutional degree or certificate just for securing one's earning. Needless to say, efforts of building up the next generation and a healthy society can only ensure prosperous and happy future of our society and growth of civilization.

Man is rational animal and his activities are expected to be founded on rational thinking, conscious prediction, belief and knowledge based wisdom. Generally an educated people are considered to be a knowledgeable people. But indeed mere institutional education is not enough to be rational and knowledgeable in true sense. Rationality differs from nation to nation, society to society and it changes with time and development of civilization.

II. Components of Knowledge

For the sake of up to date development of all disciplines the people have to become knowledgeable in real sense. A man has to transform his knowledge into wisdom. In the task of locating problem, formulating plan, taking decision, execution of decision a person must apply his knowledge gathered mainly from the study of social science. Knowledge thus consists of some essential components which are as below:

a. Education
b. Ability of perception
c. Attitudes
d. Belief
e. Prediction
f. Rationality
g. Consciousness

The above components are discussed below as I have understood from the lectures listened. I consider the deliberations on the topic to be effective and fruitful for understanding the public administration one of disciplines of the social science.

II.a Education: the foundation of acquiring Knowledge

Studentship is a key part of one's life. It builds up a man to be educated. Once this part ceases he enters into his working world where he faces the reality, solves problems by using and exercising the knowledge he gathered by way of getting education. Even though acquiring knowledge is a continuous process and it never ceases.

A man can change the structure and chemistry of his brain in a specific area by repeatedly using his mind in a certain way? The way must be a rational one. The first implication here is that he can make permanent changes in the way he thinks and feels, but there is another implication. Permanent change means that if he is to change the way he thinks, he has to undo concrete changes. This takes more than wisdom; it takes time and effort, not just knowing, but doing. Rational prediction is a brain storming task that needs knowledge and wisdom to materialize an action designed for the welfare of the society.

The question is not of knowing, but of developing our wisdom, our inner knowledge. Our understanding should increase. Wisdom is the essence of knowledge. Just like perfume is attained by squeezing the essence out of flowers, so wisdom is the sum and substance of all knowledge, all experiences. Wisdom is a fragrance. When a thousand experiences and knowledge are compressed, one drop of wisdom is attained.

Vision is to be broadened, otherwise traditional knowledge will be of no use for the betterment and welfare of the society and mankind. Now-a-days, mostly, information is regarded as knowledge. The more one knows, the more knowledgeable he considers himself to be. Quantity means quality to him. However much information he gathers, it will all be borrowed. Knowledge is one's own.

A human being is like an onion. Remove one layer, and there is another layer; remove this and there is yet another. A man is nothing but a collection of knowledge, experience, information, understanding, education, impressions, culture and tradition. A man is hidden by his own coverings.

II.b. Ability of perception

A man has to acquire ability to perceive the 'cause and effect relationship' of any work or incident and its consequence. Only ability to do some work or to understand the necessity or causes of doing the work does not make a man knowledgeable. He must have some quality enabling himself to foresee the consequences of the work he intends to do in achieving the goal.

That is to say that a man must have some ability or techniques to predict the effects or consequences of the work he intends to do. In plain words, one should consider the costs and benefits. Understanding potential gains and eventual losses or effects will fuel a man's endeavors and get his brain to cooperate. What will happen if he does not reach his goal? How will he feel? How will his life change if he does succeed? The concept of 'prediction' lies with the above thinking.

II.c. Diversity of attitudes

Thoughts and attitudes differ from man to man. Men having same education may not have identical attitude and way of thinking as each independent people belongs to some own values, morals, religion and they are nourished in different socio-economic environments. Besides, the family, the primary institution of human development, also significantly influences a man in carrying some settled values, norms, morals in his mind.

II.d Belief

Belief is the fundamental thing of all activities planned and done by men; belief awakens one's self consciousness that help a man to exercise the moral sense or sense of right and wrong ; good or clear, bad or guilty. Thus, self consciousness and determination based on belief ultimately enable a man to design his way of action and implement of it. Consciousness relates to persons as each of persons can see himself from the inside.

A belief is inculcated in the mind of a person by various factors. But not so with knowledge. Knowledge is gained by a person by making use of his perceptional faculties. The perceptional faculties enable a man to predict the 'cause and effect relationship' of his action in rational way.

II.e Prediction

The concept of prediction is another aspect which is founded on

1 Knowledge
2 Self consciousness
3 Attitude
4 Way of thinking
5 Belief
6 Method of studying social science

The pattern of prediction varies from man to man because of diversity of age, values, morals, intelligence of different peoples. In the light of cause and effect relationship as discussed in the social science prediction is to be made. Imaginary prediction in fact is no prediction as it is devoid of knowledge, self consciousness and is not based on 'causal relationship'. The ability of prediction is a special faculty of human beings which is enriched through acquiring knowledge. Prediction not based on knowledge and self consciousness will be of no use and is incomplete in nature.

II.f Rationality

Human being is a complex creature having multiplex thoughts, instincts, values etc. External behavior of a man can easily be seen and studied but his inner instincts that are invisible cannot. Man is rational being. He is able to kill the ill instincts hidden in his inner mind only through acquiring knowledge and nourishment of rational norms and values. If he fails, there will be no difference between a beast and human being.

Reason is man's only means of knowing reality, upon which his survival in reality depends. Whether man is alone on a desert island, scurrying around with a pack of savages, or living in a city of billions: man must think-and then act on his thinking, if life is his goal. Man is a rational animal, and reality dictates that to survive, man must be rational-by choice.

The dominant position of rationality in Western civilization and philosophical tradition dates from the time when Ren È Descartes explicitly placed it in its key position within his conception of philosophy. His conception of philosophy of rationalism is based on respect for and the confidence in scientific knowledge, which he defines with his own means as an activity having rationality in its essence.

Rationality involves some universal and settled morals, values, practices, attitudes etc. In the society the matters before the men are to be viewed and considered in rational way or path by keeping the causal relationship as discussed in the social science in mind. In our civilization to act rationally means the same as to act correctly. This is in the core of the philosophy of rationalism. To think rationally means to approach decisions how to act in a correct way.

Two Kinds of Rationality

Substantive Rationality Functional Rationality It involves the way to achieve goal. It involves the strategy to be fixed for achieving the goal.

Strategy is something like technique that helps to achieve the goal through a particular way. Strategy is a changing factor depending on the needs, pattern, norms, resource, values, and habits of a particular society. Thus, formulation of strategies also needs one's knowledge, self consciousness, openness of mind, wisdom, ability of prediction.

Human conducts and activities are pregnant of diversities reflecting various attitudes some of which may have adverse effect on the society that needs a rational control by the knowledge. For the knowledge and rational path walk side by side. Human faculties must be rational. Otherwise society, family, or community will be in disorder.

II.g Consciousness

Philosophers such as Immanuel Kant think that rationality is a distinct feature of persons. This position implies that to be a person means to be a rational being and that one cannot be a person unless one is rational. Other philosophers think that in order to be termed a person; one must have a certain level of consciousness of one's own consciousness that helps him to acquire the art of prediction. Thus, ability to predict makes a knowledgeable person wise and vice versa. A man by exercising wisdom based on knowledge is an able person to predict the cause and effect relationship.

A man must keep his eyes and conscience open and aware of the matters and things prevailing and happening surrounding him and in the society and the things happened in the world history. A man is to keep his mind as an open window. Thus openness of mind in other words is linked with one's consciousness.

III. Selectiveness And human perception: Modern Approaches Every man is selective in his own sphere of his activities. It is indeed inherent characteristic of human being. In the process of decision making the characteristics and attitudes of man plays a vital role. Thus, for correct decision correct prediction is essential and here also inevitably comes the concept of 'cause and effect relation'. There are two modern approaches of selectiveness by man in social science which are as below:

1 Close system approach
2 Open system approach

Extreme close system approach prompts a man to make one eyed or arbitrary decision causing adverse effect. In this system idea of better prediction is ignored resulting narrow vision and thus a man fails to spray the fragrance of his knowledge which is called 'wisdom'.

When a man is not conscious of abstracting, when he assumes more knowledge than he really has or when he acts as if he knows it all, he falls victim to the "allness orientation". This is the person with the closed mind, the person who thinks he knows it all. Characteristics of a closed mind person are -

1 Extremely subtle
2 Refusal to learn
3 Refusal to listen
4 Refusal to look or look again
5 Refusal to change or keep up to date
6 Assuming knowledge that one doesn't have
7 Refusal to ask questions
8 Jehovah complex
9 Self-satisfied Man
10 Refusal to delegate responsibility
11 One-way communication
12 Poor mental health and Inferiority Complex

We know wisdom teaches a man to select right or wrong. If the selection or any decision is right then its maker is said to be wise. Thus, we may conclude that he who applying the essence of his knowledge designs a plan or way of action predicts better is a wise man.

Multiplex principles make a man flexible in nature and attitude and thus he may sometimes fail to predict correctly before taking a decision or designing policy. In order to study social science one has to learn the 'open system approach' so that he becomes able to know the prevailing socio-economic picture of the society. A particular society consists of various people belonging to different religions, values, culture, ethics, needs, family structure.

There are many other variables involved in human perception. A person's ability or capacity, his existing knowledge, education or training all play an important role in abstracting. Change and process are important limiting factors, for we live in a dynamic world where things, as well as ourselves, are constantly changing. Despite the fact that our evaluations and perceptions are personal the above variables play an important role in our consideration of dogmatic behavior.

IV. Causal Relationship and Study of Social Science

Mathematics helps to understand physical science while language helps to understand the study and research of the social science. Language is the very tool that we use in communication. Anthropologists and linguists such as Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf, along with Alfred Korzybski, have emphasized the important role that language plays in thinking, perceiving and behaving.

Study of social science is essential for acquiring efficiencies and knowledge in rational way to understand the cause and effect relationship. It is to be noted that cause and effect combinedly said to be the 'causal relationship'. Through the practice of perception of 'causal relationship' we may have clear ideas and prediction about the cause and effect of the events that take place surrounding us.

However, the way of proper and clear utilization of one's knowledge in proper manner can promote human resource development and organization management.

The extensive study of social science enables a man to attain the ability of correct prediction in rational way. Methods of studying social science are:

1 Descriptive method
2 Historical Method

IV.a Descriptive method: This method has to be utilized in all kinds of research; its only difference will be either more or less. For example, we use observational technique in investigation of the problem but later we have to describe and write down what we have found from such research. Whitney points out that by descriptive method of research it means an attempt to locate and define difficulty that has started the thinking process, many checks of present status in the field of investigation may be made.

In other words, Whitney's concept of descriptive method of research is a 'fact-finding with adequate interpretation'. Good thinks of descriptive studies as the studies which may include present facts or current conditions concerning the nature of a group of persons, a number of objects, or a class of events and may involve the procedures of induction, analysis, classification, enumeration or measurement. Whitney divided 'descriptive method' of research into five different types which are as below:

1 The research survey
2 Continuity description
3 Case-study research
4 Job and actively analysis
5 Library and documentary research.

IV.b Historical Method :This method involves "the use of records of previous events for the purpose of arriving at generalizations that may be used for the solving of current problems". We know that the past contains, if it can be located, the key to the present. Sometimes the past lends us light in taking decision by applying our knowledge to achieve the goal. Society is not a static organization, but as an organism continually growing through dynamic changes helps us gain greater insight into its structure and functioning. Everything has an antecedent history a natural development of which tends to exert influence on the present.

Thus we see that historical method of research can be applied to use in all disciplines regardless of their natural or social sciences .Historical approach is universal in almost all disciplines. For example, the physician secures case-history from the patient, the lawyer asks his client to disclose the whole story from the beginning, and psychologist inquires about the past of the patient's mental malfunctioning or lack of adjustment. According to Gottschalk the historical method consists of -

1 The collection of probable sources of information

2 The examination of those sources for genuineness (either as a whole or in part).

3 The analysis of the sources or parts of sources proved genuine for their credible particulars.