Friday, September 28, 2007

Nostradamus Saw

Nostradamus Saw

The Luciferians are the inner cabal of the Vatican according to Malachi Martin (And have been for a long time as I have demonstrated in other books.). They created that fiction about 'for the good of mankind' which led to Salvation after Jesus was crucified. They have grown rich beyond their wildest imaginations as the benefits of special dispensations and confessionals have poured in to their coffers. They have been given large amounts of the land as well as special tax status that their Divine Kings share.

Chopra wrote about Merlin as an analogy of sorts; but Merlin (Who prophesized Joan of Arc for one.) may well have been a name of the advisor/sorcerer to a Arthurian Merovingian king that archaeology shows did live on Cadbury Hill. The Royal Stuart and Merovingian group when joined in social engineering efforts like religion or The Royal Society are the Hibernians. I think Arthur of the real legend was from a far earlier time; but the creation of the Grail fiction by the Hibernian who founded the Cistercian Order is a Luciferian myth. This is Bernard of Clairvaux and later we have another well known occultist participating with the Borgias/De Medicis in the founding of the Jesuits by the Alumbrados (bringers of light). The Hibernian involved with the Borgias/De Medicis in the founding of the Jesuits was Nostradamus. Bernard was a double agent in the 'play both ends against the middle' game they play. He sat on the Inquisitor Panels and yet helped Chrétien de Troyes write a Parsifal tale. But if Nostradamus had a "stone' to see the future as we see on the cover of books about him; who else in their number had this awesome tool? Let us consider the words of John Dominic Crossan of De Paul University for some historical insight into Divination.

"Magic as Religious Banditry

Recall from earlier how Eric Hobsbawm's concept of the Robin Hood element in social banditry was severely criticized by Anton Blok. Blok was, I argued, superficially correct but profoundly wrong. Bandits may seldom rob the rich and give to the poor and even more seldom rob the rich to give to the poor, but the validity and perdurance of the Robin Hood mystique is based firmly on the fact that they do rob the monopoly of violence from the rich and distribute it to the poor, and, more significantly, they rob aristocratic and structural violence of the veneer of morality under which it operates. They force the question: what is the moral difference between a gang and an army, a peasant bandit on the make and an imperial entrepreneur on the throne.

I propose now that magic is to religion as banditry is to politics. As banditry challenges the ultimate legitimacy of political power, so magic challenges that of spiritual power. Magic and religion can be mutually distinguished, in the ancient world or in the modern one, by political and prescriptive definitions but not by substantive, descriptive, or neutral descriptions." (3)

He could have added that the illegitimate offspring who seek to return to the state of power in their father or grandfather's time as in the case of Hitler often over-achieve. In Napoleon's case he may have sought the legendary Tuscan noble position of many centuries earlier. Some will even say I have a genetic pre-disposition to grandeur because I am a 'bastard' of THE Bruce. But I am a BRD of the language of the Birds and it seems to have helped me understand the lesser codes of Green Languages.

"Divination is one of man's oldest spiritual technologies, its origins lost in the shift from neolithic hunter-gatherers to settled agriculturalists. As the shaman developed into the priest, divination, along with all forms of spiritism, became codified into mythology. From a framework of mythic events and divination - literally readings of the divine - came language, which evolved over time into written forms based on the original symbolic elements. In turn, these symbolic elements became the focus of divinatory practices of their own, creating sub-sets of meaning within common words and phrases. From this intentional ambiguity arose the possibility of an initiate's language, a language of the birds, or, as it was expressed by the medieval initiates, the Green Language.

Although we can point to the Green Language {Of the Hibernians including Swift, Carlyle, and many Great Scots.}in works as diverse as Midsummer Night's Dream and The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosencruz, Nostradamus' quatrains, 18th century alchemical texts and surrealist manifestos, few authors have bothered to explain it. One who did was Fulcanelli, the enigmatic 20th century alchemist and philosopher, in his masterpiece The Mystery of the Cathedrals, published in Paris in 1926. Here we have an authentic, although mysterious, voice of authority; one that was both master of the Green Language itself, and a master of the subjects usually hidden within it." (4)

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