Friday, September 28, 2007

Socrates Warned Us But We Killed Him

Socrates Warned Us But We Killed Him

The ability to do something that requires generations to develop was kept a secret in all areas of human endeavour during what we call pre-history. It did not change when culture advanced to the point where people could read scrolls. In point of fact Plato observed a reduction in disciplined knowledge resulted from the writing alphabet given to the Greeks by their Danaus forbears or colonizers. But you would think writing might allow an improvement in knowledge and society. Indeed this is potentially true with any medium for sharing but would you say that TV has lead to an increase in knowledge or just an increase in wasted time and confusing inputs? The shamans and elites who developed the various disciplines and metal-working secrets gradually became the most powerful people in the world. When they met each other they were excited to share knowledge in most cases. It is hard to share knowledge with people who are not willing to put out the years of effort to learn more than some little thing, they might use or satisfy some immediate need with.

Some of these families or the larger clan became adept in numerous disciplines, trades or crafts and they traveled widely around the whole earth as a result of the greater technology they had. They did not always tell the people who worshipped their knowledge all the facts. They still write histories or have their journalists and social engineers tell myths and make religions. That would be one reason that most people who have read this little bit of writing might be starting to close their mind. People generally do not want to believe that their leaders have created myths and/or lied to them. They like to believe they are smart and have common sense enough to tell when they are being hypnotized through rituals that they did not design but have had personal experience through visions or other insights that they think could not have been manufactured or CONstructed.

People like me try to tell the truth as best we can but we are attacked because we say that learning requires real effort or must be tested through years of study. There have been many occasions when people like myself have been made the object of Inquisitions or other murderous campaigns as a result. Some of my intellectual forbears decided to structure hierarchies like the top-down Platonic model rather than the Dialectical questioning of Socrates. This was true long before Pythagoras learned in the Bairdic University System headed by Abaris (Rabbi) the Druid. It was probably true before the meteor that hit the area where we find the Bermuda Triangle caused worldwide tectonic and tidal upheaval leading to the death of most people on earth. Some of the people who learn a lot in one lifetime think they know it all and they start to think that they can find easier ways to build conclaves or learned people. Most often they are enjoying the ego and power of the special insights they gained through prior designs and CONstructs they do not even partially understand.

So when L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. blew the whistle on his Rosicrucian-trained father's enterprises there were few if any people who could really believe that it was possible to 'grab or break and crack souls'. Socrates experienced something worse than being bought off because he refused to stop telling the truth or leave his country and countrymen. He was branded as a 'conspiracy theorist' and people could not grasp the possibilities he tried to lead them to question.

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